Pequenas pedazos de historias, imagenes, instantes capturados, momentos en la vida que no quisimos dejar pasar y que tuvieron la intencion de expresar una emocion, una sensacion y terminaron convirtiendose en fotos de cajon.
17 dic 2006
Iconos - La Diana Cazadora
1 comentario:
Hey Hey hello there am here once again to say i like this picture it's BEAUTIFUL and also to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! to u and ur family and am wishing u and everyone else who reads this the best in the new year so be good and have fun act young..ur friend now and forever bb the chick who love's roses hehe bye for now take care. ur's always bbear.
1 comentario:
Hey Hey hello there am here once again to say i like this picture it's BEAUTIFUL and also to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! to u and ur family and am wishing u and everyone else who reads this the best in the new year so be good and have fun act young..ur friend now and forever bb the chick who love's roses hehe bye for now take care. ur's always bbear.
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