Pequenas pedazos de historias, imagenes, instantes capturados, momentos en la vida que no quisimos dejar pasar y que tuvieron la intencion de expresar una emocion, una sensacion y terminaron convirtiendose en fotos de cajon.
14 ago 2005
Dulce vendedor
1 comentario:
hi hello lol i was glad to see you stll around with you new photos they are very nice and man when i saw the old guy there i was like wow thats a nice one and not becusr of the guy eh jaja ut becuse it has beautigul colores and it tells you what the picture is all about..its beautiful i like it jst wanted to let you knw that well have a good day at work and oh yeah please put more sun and more beach's pictures and maybe naked men's no am just kidding.. more tress and roses yes roses people love roses up close and personal hehe so yeah see you next time bye for now..urs alwyas BB.
1 comentario:
hi hello lol i was glad to see you stll around with you new photos they are very nice and man when i saw the old guy there i was like wow thats a nice one and not becusr of the guy eh jaja ut becuse it has beautigul colores and it tells you what the picture is all about..its beautiful i like it jst wanted to let you knw that well have a good day at work and oh yeah please put more sun and more beach's pictures and maybe naked men's no am just kidding.. more tress and roses yes roses people love roses up close and personal hehe so yeah see you next time bye for now..urs alwyas BB.
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