2 jul 2005

Regresando a casa....la recompensa Posted by Picasa

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hola un saludo!
Me encanta la capacidad que tiene de plasmar en una imagen,tanta belleza junta....mezclando naturaleza con personas y ciudades....mi mas sincera enorabuena..por el trabajo que ha realizado..me gusta....

A dijo...

muchas gracias x su comentario y espero poder seguir publicando fotos de su agrado

Anónimo dijo...

Hi you don't knw me am jst here to let u knw that i love this photo graph it's very beautiful. i love how the sun is showing there i wish you the best in getting things out there to the world to see am sure they will love checking your pictures out because i know i do:D..well best wishes and have a great day..bye for now...

A dijo...

thanks for your nice words, it really motivates me. I loved the sun also, it was huge and it was such a gratification seeing it embracing me after a loooonnng workday.